Best Credit Cards for Building Credit
Building or rebuilding credit is an important financial goal for many people. Certain credit cards are designed specifically for individuals with no credit history or poor credit. Opening and responsibly using a credit card can help establish a positive credit report and improve your credit score over time.
Here are some of the best credit cards for building or rebuilding credit, based on factors such as security deposit requirements, fees, rewards programs, and APRs:
- Best for Average Credit: Capital One Platinum Credit Card
- No annual fee
- Automatic consideration for a higher credit line in as little as 6 months
- No foreign transaction fees
- Best for Students: Discover it® Student Cash Back
- Cash back rewards program
- No annual fee
- Introductory 0% APR offer on purchases
- Best Secured Card: Discover it® Secured Credit Card
- Cash back rewards program
- No annual fee
- Potential to transition to an unsecured card after 7 months
- Best Low Deposit Option: Capital One Platinum Secured Credit Card
- Minimum security deposit as low as $49 for a $200 credit line
- No annual fee
- Automatic credit line review for potential increases
- Best for Cash Back: U.S. Bank Cash+® Visa® Secured Card
- Up to 5% cash back on select categories
- No annual fee
- Opportunity to upgrade to an unsecured card over time
- Best for No Fees: Petal® 2 “Cash Back, No Fees” Visa® Credit Card
- No fees whatsoever
- Cash back rewards program
- Alternative approval process for those with no credit history
- Best for No SSN Required: Firstcard® Credit Builder Card with Cashback for College Students
- No SSN needed for approval
- Cash back rewards and high-yield savings on security deposit
- Designed for international students
- Best for Travel Rewards: U.S. Bank Altitude® Go Visa® Secured Card
- Points rewards system with bonus categories
- No foreign transaction fees
- Annual streaming service credit
- Best for Small Businesses: Bank of America Business Advantage Unlimited Cash Rewards Secured Credit Card
- Flat-rate cash back on all purchases
- No annual fee
- Potential to transition to an unsecured card
- Best for Specific Bank Customers: Chase Freedom Rise℠
- Cash back rewards on all purchases
- No annual fee
- Easier approval for existing bank customers
When choosing a credit-building credit card, consider:
- Whether you prefer a secured or unsecured card
- The minimum security deposit (for secured cards)
- Annual fees and other charges
- Rewards programs
- Potential to upgrade to an unsecured card
- Additional perks like free credit score access
Remember, the most important factor in building credit is using the card responsibly. This means making payments on time and keeping your credit utilization low. With consistent responsible use, these cards can help you establish or improve your credit profile over time.